Do you think Michael Jackson would have had the strength to finish the “This Is It” tour if he had lived? Why or why not?
Let’s begin by mentioning the most common rumors about his health:
– He was anorexic, didn’t eat
– He was severely under weight
– He was physically incapable
– He was a drug addict
When Michael Jackson died tabloids immediately began to exploit his death by reporting rumors, treating him just as they had in life. British tabloid the Sun reported “Jackson weighed just 112 pounds. He was anorexic and had no food in his stomach only pills”. Most American tabloids picked up this story and even mainstream publications like NBC News reported it.
“Jackson’s body had wasted away to a mere 112 pounds, and his stomach was completely empty except for partially dissolved pills, according to the London Sun.”
-New York Post June 29, 2009
“Autopsy details published in London’s Sun newspaper said Jackson weighed just 112 pounds at death.”
-NBC News July 29, 2009
But there were two problems with this story. 1) The official autopsy results were not released until a month later. 2) This information came from British tabloids, so everybody should have known better.
Results from the real autopsy by Dr. Christopher Rogers (Coroner).
Michael Jackson had:
– A strong heart
– No organ damage, no signs of long term drug abuse
– Height 5 ft. 9 inches, weight 136 pounds
Dr. Rogers said, “He was healthier than the average person his age”
“Jackson weighed 136 pounds and was 69 inches tall, according to measurements taken during the autopsy the morning after his death.”
It should be noted that 136 pounds is within the normal weight range for a man 5 ft. 9 inches tall.
Dr. Christopher Rogers testifying during Conrad Murray’s criminal trial. The overall healthy state of Jackson’s body was a major factor in Murray being convicted of manslaughter.
Michael Jackson’s drivers license from the late 1980’s shows him having a height of 5 ft. 9 inches and weight of 120 lbs.
Official documents prove at the time of his death, there was no significant weight loss. He was not smaller than he had been earlier in life.
Kai Chase interview on Larry King live.
Kai Chase was Michael Jackson’s personal chef between March and June of 2009. She worked in the pop star’s home preparing meals for him and his children. Chase said she would serve meals and Jackson would sit at the table and eat with his children.
“Chase said she saw no evidence that Michael Jackson was a poor eater. In fact, she said just the opposite was true from her observations.”
“He ate very well,” she said. “He ate organic and fresh. He [was] into the health foods and juices and things of that nature”.
– Kai Chase
Now some may choose to put all of this information aside and say the pop legend was a drug addict. But medical facts demonstrate that was not the case. For example, some claimed he had an addiction to demerol. But there was no demerol in his system. Many have claimed he suffered from an addiction to prescription pain pills in the years before he died. But Jackson’s medical records prove otherwise.
In 2013, an addiction expert was called to testify that Jackson was an addict. But the singers medical history contradicted the addition experts own testimony.
“Levounis conceded he saw no evidence that Jackson used painkillers after he left rehab in 1993 until 2001 or between July 2003 and late 2008..Under cross examination Wednesday morning, Levounis conceded that he never saw evidence that Jackson injected himself with narcotics, ever sought or used illegal drugs such as cocaine, meth or heroin, or abused drugs to produce euphoria or get high.”
“There was also no evidence Jackson used more painkillers than doctors prescribed, he said.”
Michael Jackson died because he was negligently treated for insomnia. It is unfortunate, infact tragic that his doctor was incompetent and did not safely and effectively help him get rest. Judge Pastor called Conrad Murray “a danger to society”.
We all need sleep. If anyone went a couple of days without rest they would find it increasingly difficult to function. But according to the medical facts, Jackson had no other major health condition that would have kept him from performing. Based on medical facts there is no reason why he would not have been able to perform for his tour.