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ASAP Rocky’s mother, Renee Black, was furious when she found out that Rihanna had secretly baptized her second child without her concern.

The couple, who had been dating since 2020, welcomed their second son, Remy, in January 2024.

However, Rihanna did not inform ASAP Rocky or his mother that she had planned to baptize the baby in a private ceremony at her home in Barbados.

Renee, who is a devout Christian, was shocked and hurt when she learned about the baptism from a friend who saw the photos on social media.

She felt that Rihanna had disrespected her son’s beliefs and her role as a grandmother. She also felt that Rihanna had betrayed her trust and lied to her about the baby’s name.

Renee had suggested the name Robert, after ASAP Rocky’s late father, but Rihanna had chosen Remy, after her own grandfather.

Renee confronted Rihanna over the phone and demanded an explanation. Rihanna, who is a practicing Catholic, said that she wanted to baptize the baby as soon as possible to protect him from evil and bless him with God’s grace.

She said that she did not tell ASAP Rocky or his mother because she knew they would not approve or support her decision. She said that she had the right to name and raise her child as she wished, and that she did not need anyone’s permission or opinion.

The argument escalated and Renee accused Rihanna of being selfish, manipulative, and disrespectful. She said that Rihanna had no regard for ASAP Rocky’s feelings or wishes, and that she was trying to alienate him from his family and culture. She said that Rihanna had changed since she became famous and wealthy,

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