In a recent interview, Kim Kardashian revealed her reflections on motherhood and shared the changes she would make if given the chance to relive her parenting journey. Known for her high-profile career and complex personal life, Kardashian has always been a subject of public fascination. However, in this candid conversation, she delved into the more personal and often overlooked aspects of being a mother.

Kim Kardashian, who is a mother to four children—North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm—discussed the immense joy and challenges that come with raising her kids. While she expressed no regrets about her parenting choices, she acknowledged that there are certain aspects she would approach differently if she could start over.

One of the key changes Kim would make involves prioritizing self-care amidst the demands of family and career. “I’ve always poured my energy into taking care of my children and my work, but sometimes I forgot to take care of myself,” she admitted. “If I could do it again, I would find a better balance between work, family, and time for myself.”

Another area Kim wished she had handled differently is appreciating the small moments with her children. “When the kids were younger, everything happened so fast. I often found myself preoccupied with work and other responsibilities, missing out on simple joys like playing with them or engaging in their daily activities. I wish I had slowed down and enjoyed those moments more.”

Kim also expressed a desire to create a more peaceful environment for her children, away from the pressures of public scrutiny and fame. “There’s a lot of external pressure and attention that comes with being in the spotlight. I would have worked harder to shield my kids from that stress and provide a more private and serene environment for them.”

Through these reflections, Kim Kardashian demonstrates that, despite her significant achievements and high profile, she is still learning and growing in her role as a mother. Her insights offer a glimpse into the personal challenges of balancing public life with parenting, and her experiences may resonate with many who face similar struggles.

Kim Kardashian’s revelations highlight the ongoing journey of motherhood, filled with both triumphs and lessons. Her openness about her desire to improve and adjust her approach underscores that parenting is a continuous learning process, and her story serves as a reminder that even those in the spotlight face the universal challenges of raising a family.