Kylie Jenner Reveals Why North West Needs Intervention

It’s hard not to notice the Kar-Jenners kids because their parents are literally everywhere you look, and as the kids grow up, fans are noticing some distinguishing factors especially in their personalities and manners! Have the parents noticed the factors as well? And why are people more interested in comparing Kylie Jenner’s Stormi to Kim Kardashian’s North?


Okay, a comparison between North and Stormi on Twitter brings up comments like, “Kylie raised Stormi with such manners and morals, and then there’s North.” Actually, a lot of people on social media agree that while Stormi has proven to be polite and well-mannered, North has been the exact opposite!

Kylie Jenner Reveals Why North West Needs Intervention

mom in the middle of the night to demand that she come home because she misses her which Kim revealed during an interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. According to Kim, North would call her from her own phone or even from her dad’s phone, saying “Mommy, come over. It’s an emergency. I need you.” While at first, Kim would panic and rush over, she soon realized that North was just trying to get her to come home because she missed her.

Kylie Jenner Reveals Why North West Needs Intervention


Kim also admitted that she sometimes struggled to discipline North because she found it hard to stay mad at her daughter when she would give her a big hug and say “I love you, Mommy” after misbehaving. It’s clear that North knows how to play the cute card to her advantage, even when she’s in trouble.

But it seems like North’s behavior has finally started to take a toll on those around her, including her family members. According to sources close to the Kardashians, Kylie Jenner is fed up with North’s attitude and believes that Kim needs to take action before it’s too late.

Kylie reportedly told Kim that she needs to seek professional help for North to address her behavior issues and teach her how to treat others with respect. While Kim initially brushed off Kylie’s concerns, sources say that she’s starting to realize that North’s behavior is becoming a problem that can’t be ignored.

So, it looks like Kim may finally be ready to take action and get North the help she needs to become a better behaved and more respectful child. Let’s hope that North can learn from her mistakes and grow into a kinder and more considerate person with the right guidance and support from her family.