Have you heard about the latest drama between Steve Harvey and Katt Williams? It all started when Williams decided to air some dirty laundry in an interview, throwing shade at Harvey’s career and personal life. Well, you can imagine that didn’t sit well with Harvey.


So, what did our favorite Family Feud host do? He didn’t just sit back and let the comments slide. Oh no, Steve Harvey took matters into his own hands and decided to have a little chat with Williams. The confrontational meeting was aimed at addressing the negative remarks made by Williams and hopefully clearing the air between the two comedians.


Picture this: Harvey, with his signature mustache and confident demeanor, standing tall as he confronts Williams about his behavior. “Hey man, we need to talk about what you said,” Harvey might have said, his voice firm but calm.

This whole incident just goes to show that even celebrities like Steve Harvey aren’t afraid to stand up for themselves when faced with criticism. It’s a reminder to all of us to not let negative comments slide and to address conflicts head-on. So, next time someone throws shade your way, take a page out of Steve Harvey’s book and stand your ground.